Home > Materials Materials Policy Briefs Globally responsible, locally responsive. Policy Brief published in 22.2.2023 by the University of Eastern Finland Fact Sheets Uncertainty in modelling and its effect on decision making Datasets related to IBC-Carbon publications Virkkala, R., Leikola, N., Kujala, H., Kivinen, S., Hurskainen, P., Kuusela, S., Valkama, J. & Heikkinen, R. K. 2021. Habitat suitability predictions for six boreal forest indicator bird species in Finland. Dataset related to Virkkala et al. 2021: Developing fine-grained nationwide predictions of valuable forests using biodiversity indicator bird species. Heikkinen R., Leikola, N., Kujala, H., Virkkala, R., Kivinen, S., Hurskainen, P., Aalto, J. 2021. Environmental data used in the modelling of suitable nesting sites for six forest biodiversity indicator bird species across Finland (part 1), SYKE metada. Dataset related to Virkkala et al. 2021: Developing fine-grained nationwide predictions of valuable forests using biodiversity indicator bird species. Heikkinen R. Leikola, N., Kujala, H., Virkkala, R., Kivinen, S., Hurskainen, P., Aalto, J. 2021. Environmental data used in the modelling of suitable nesting sites for sixforest biodiversity indicator bird species across Finland (part 2), SYKE metadata. Dataset related to Virkkala et al. 2021: Developing fine-grained nationwide predictions of valuable forests using biodiversity indicator bird species. Holmberg, M., Junttila, V., Schulz, T., Minunno, F., Ojanen, P., Mäkelä, A., Peltoniemi, M., Forsius, M., 2023. Regional greenhouse gas net emission intensities by land cover category in Finland [Data set]. Zenodo. Published 2021-03-03 at 10:25, updated 2023-11-20 at 12:34 Suomeksi In English Share: